About Ebenezer Christian Reformed Church
We are a group who believe that Jesus of Nazareth lives today even though he was executed Roman-style two millennia ago. We look forward with anticipation to his second coming too. Until that time, we take part, individually and as a group, in spreading the good news of his resurrection on Easter Sunday so many years ago. We surrender our lives to his will and try to live as he taught us to do: to put his will first in our lives, to love others as we do ourselves, and to be servants to one another and to others.
The congregation of Ebenezer has been here since 1895. The people who started this congregation were immigrants from the Netherlands who came here for the financial opportunities they heard about. Since they felt a keen dependence upon God and tried to walk closely with him, they gave this congregation the name Ebenezer, a word which has roots in the Hebrew language and carries the thought that God has led us up to this point.
God has led us in the past not only, but he continues to lead us as members of the body of Christ, as part of the Reformed tradition in that body, and as part of this grand experiment in democracy: The United States of America. As such, we feel a call to be good stewards of all that God has given: the black thick layer of soil we farm, the water in our aquifers and streams, the atmosphere from which we get our oxygen, the life he gives us daily, and the material blessings we enjoy.
The congregation of Ebenezer has been here since 1895. The people who started this congregation were immigrants from the Netherlands who came here for the financial opportunities they heard about. Since they felt a keen dependence upon God and tried to walk closely with him, they gave this congregation the name Ebenezer, a word which has roots in the Hebrew language and carries the thought that God has led us up to this point.
God has led us in the past not only, but he continues to lead us as members of the body of Christ, as part of the Reformed tradition in that body, and as part of this grand experiment in democracy: The United States of America. As such, we feel a call to be good stewards of all that God has given: the black thick layer of soil we farm, the water in our aquifers and streams, the atmosphere from which we get our oxygen, the life he gives us daily, and the material blessings we enjoy.
The Persecuted Church
While we enjoy the opportunity to choose Jesus, the Christ, as Lord of our lives, Christians in many other countries of the world do not enjoy that blessing; they are persecuted for being Christians. In some cases the persecution means torture and forced labor; for others, confessing Jesus as Lord means their home and/or church building is burned. In some cases, terrorism and/or slavery is the price Christians must pay. In some cases, brothers and sisters in the Lord are executed for their commitment. In this 21st century since Jesus walked on this earth, Christians are suffering, bleeding, even dying for their faith. We are told by those close to persecuted Christians, that they often ask for our prayer. We hope you join us in responding positively to that request.
For more specific information about the hardships Christians face around the world, go to www.persecution.com
"Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering."
Hebrews 13:3
For more specific information about the hardships Christians face around the world, go to www.persecution.com
"Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering."
Hebrews 13:3